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英国亚伯大学Megan Williams到访我校并作学术报告

2017年11月16日    作者:洪源阅读量:

11月15日下午,英国亚伯大学商学院金融会计经济系主任Megan Williams到访管理学院,并在4-B510作了主题为《when is a cake, not a cake?(Taxation issues in the UK)》的学术报告,报告由管理学院副院长符刚主持。



Megan Williams is a Senior Lecturer in Accounting working at Aberystwyth University for the past seventeen years. During this time she has taught predominantly financial and management accounting at all levels to Undergraduate and Postgraduate students. In addition she has undertaken roles such as Head for Accounting, Finance and Economics, Undergraduate Programme Director, Admissions Tutor to name but a few! Prior to joining the university Megan was a practising CIMA accountant working in various industries as diverse from steel to turkey processing for Cargill one of the world’s largest private companies.